Stop Urološkim problemima!
1.Sta je Arabesca Men i čemu je namenjen?
2.Kako se koristi Arabesca men?
3.Kako čuvati Arabesca Men?
4.Ostale informacije.
1Šta je Arabesca Men i čemu je namenjen?
Arabesca Men vam pomaže da na prirodan način održavate zdravlje muškog reproduktivnog sistema.
-Poremecaj ejakulacije
-Erektilna disfunkcija
-Bakterijske i virusne infekcije
-Polno prenosive bolesti
-Hormonski disbalans
2.Kako se koristi Arabesca Men?
Oralno 3 kesice dnevno(1 kesica ujutru i 2 uvece)pre obroka ili neovisno o obroku,staviti kesicu u 20 ml tecnosti( voda,ne gazirani sok,jogurt,mleko)promesati i ispiti ceo sastav ili uneti direktno sastav kesice.
3.Kako čuvati Arabesca Men?
-Čuvati na tamnom i suvom
-Čuvati van domašaja dece!
4.Ostale informacije.
Sastav:Cucurbita pepo(seme budneve),Nigella Sativa(crno seme),
Tribulus terrestris(Babin zub),Zingiber officinale(gjumbir),Moringa oleifera(moringa).
Preporučena doza 3 meseca,preparat se primenjuje i preventivno.
Nakon ispijene preporučene terapije poželjna kontrola kod vaseg lekara.
1 kutija Arabesca Men preparata sadrzi 90 kesica za 30 dana upotrebe.
Neto:180 grama.
Arabesca Men helps you maintain the health of the male reproductive system in a natural way.
- Sterility
-Spermogram (azoospermia, oligozoospermia)
- Ejaculation disorder
- Erectile dysfunction
- Urethritis
- Bacterial and viral infections
-Sexually transmitted diseases
- Prostatitis
- Cysts
- Andropause
- Libido
- Hormonal imbalance
Composition: Cucurbita pepo (black seed), Nigella Sativa (black seed),
Tribulus terrestris (Grandmother's tooth), Zingiber officinale (ginger), Moringa oleifera (moringa).
Net: 180 grams - 90 bags.
Orally 3 sachets a day (1 sachet in the morning and 2 in the evening) before meals or regardless of the meal, put the sachet in 20 ml of liquid (water, non-carbonated juice, yogurt, milk), mix and test the entire composition or enter the composition of the sachet directly.
How to store Arabesca Men?
-Store in a dark and dry place
-Keep out of reach of children!
The recommended dose is 3 months, the preparation is also applied preventively.
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